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水 神 機 器 人 Water God Bot 蔡慧盈駐村成果展 Hui-Ying Tsai Residency Exhibition

水 神 機 器 人 Water God Bot
蔡慧盈駐村成果展 Hui-Ying Tsai Residency Exhibition
▍展覽開幕 Opening
2020/12/19 下午 15:30
▍展期 Date:2020/12/19-2021/1/3
▍展場 Venue:駁二藝術特區大義區C8-8倉庫 C8-8 Warehouse, Dayi Area, Pier-2 Art Center
▍免費自由參觀 Free Entering:
週一至週四 Mon.-Thu. 12:00~17:00
週五至週日 Fri.-Sun. 12:00~20:00
配合政府 #秋冬防疫專案,自12月1日起,強制要求民眾進入「醫療照護、大眾運輸、生活消費、教育學習、觀展觀賽、休閒娛樂、宗教祭祀、洽公」等八大類場所應佩戴口罩。未依規定佩戴口罩,經勸導不聽者,將依違反傳染病防治法第37條第1項第6款規定,由地方政府裁罰新臺幣3千元以上1萬5千元以下罰鍰。
▍展覽論述 Exhibition Text
An interactive sound installation using the detectability of electricity, body, water, and salt to cascade existence. It explores the constant process of confirmation and reinforcement of spiritual sublimation, machinery and flesh, material and spirit.
The space comes to life when the viewers touch the water in the device that triggers sounds to compose a fluid dimension; A dimension that transcends time and space.
The usage of medical implants and medicines to repair the flesh is to view the body as a machine. The boundary between robots and humans is fascinating. Are there souls? Is the world we perceived the whole? Do lifeless objects possess powers and thoughts? Can reality be created through rituals, contacts, and imaginations? The work intends to interpret and explore the oldest known belief system: Animism in the contemporary artistic approach.
▍藝術家簡介 About Artist
蔡慧盈 Hui-Ying Tsai (台灣 Taiwan)
蔡慧盈出生於臺灣,長期駐點台北與紐約創作,是位跨領域的多元創作者。2005年畢業於高雄師範大學美術系,並在2009年取得美國舊金山藝術學院碩士學位。她創立『棲地計畫』致力社區營造、著重永續發展與環境議題。她曾獲美國麥克道威爾藝術村(MacDowell Colony)、瓊•米謝爾基金會(Joan Mitchell Foundation)、 麻薩諸塞當代藝術館(MASS MoCA)、佛蒙特藝文中心(The Vermont Studio Center)等重要機構之駐村與獎助;作品曾獲國立臺灣美術館典藏。
2018年與 Jonathan Grover 成立新媒體藝術團體 Circuladium,工作生活於美國布魯克林,Jonathan Grover是數位藝術與聲音創作者及教師。展覽曾獲舊金山紀事報及NBC報導,也是網路程式語言學校Code Pajama的創辦人,在互動軟體、硬體方面,擁有豐富的使用經驗及專業知識。考量疫情局勢及出入境規定,Jonathan Grover無法依原訂計畫與蔡慧盈一同來台,目前由蔡慧盈個人進駐駁二。
Hui-Ying Tsai is a Taiwanese/American interdisciplinary artist based in Brooklyn, New York. She received the BFA from National Kaohsiung Normal University and the MFA New Genres from San Francisco Art Institute. Tsai established Project Habitation in 2016 to focus on community projects that highlight sustainability and environmental issues. She was a fellow of the MacDowell Colony, Joan Mitchell Foundation, MASS MoCA, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, The Vermont Studio Center, The Millay Colony for the Arts, Cheng Long Wetlands International Art Project, Red Bull Arts Detroit, Antenna: Spillways Residency, and Taitung Railway Art Village Residency. Her works were collected by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
Since 2018, Hui-Ying Tsai formed a new media art collective based in Brooklyn with Jonathan Grover. Grover has worked internationally as a digital artist, sound production artist, and instructor. He has been noted by The San Francisco Chronicle, and received media attention from NBC. He is the founder of an online coding school, Code Pajamas, and had extensive experience in interactive software and hardware.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the entry restriction, Grover is unable to come; only Tsai is now doing the residency project here at Pier-2 Art Center.
Circuladium received the Excellent Award of 2018 Austronesian International Arts Award by Taitung Museum of Art in Taiwan which acquired their first piece as a team. Their piece “Turquoise Wind” is on long-term display in Taitung County Cultural Affairs Bureau Library in Taiwan.
⚠️ 自12月1日起,強制要求民眾進入「醫療照護、大眾運輸、生活消費、教育學習、觀展觀賽、休閒娛樂、宗教祭祀、洽公」等八大類場所應佩戴口罩。未依規定佩戴口罩,經勸導不聽者,將依違反傳染病防治法第37條第1項第6款規定,由地方政府裁罰新臺幣3千元以上1萬5千元以下罰鍰。
☑️ 駁二藝術特區持續實施下列防疫措施,以保障到訪民眾之健康:
1. 園區工作人員均配戴口罩。
2. 服務台及園區內各展場提供酒精乾洗手。
3. 服務台及園區內各展場每日以稀釋漂白水進行消毒。
☑️ 請到訪民眾配合下列防疫事項:
1. 入場須配合測量體溫。
2. 入場須填寫實聯制相關資料。
3. 自備口罩配戴入場,並於觀展期間全程配戴。
4. 戶外人潮擁擠處、密閉空間內務必配戴口罩。
5. 請保持安全社交距離。
6. 有發燒症狀之觀眾(額溫大於(含)37℃、耳溫大於(含)38℃)不得入場,後續處理辦法依各展場為主。
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#高雄市衛生局防疫專線 07-7230250
#防疫專線 1922