About Us
Circuladium is a new media art duo based in Brooklyn. It is formed by Hui-Ying Tsai and Jonathan Grover since 2018. Both artists gained their MFA in Design and Technology, and New Genres from San Francisco Art Institute in 2009.
Circuladium believes space is defined by exercising our presence. We experiment with various technologies and materials to create interactive works that reinforce the connection between material and spirit through the human body.
Our inspiration comes from literature, symbolism, and human relation with nature. We are interested in how cultures and nature inter-shape spaces physically and metaphysically. We reflect on the symbolism of objects and artifacts holding the cultural or historical significance that underline the perceptions and values.
The artworks embody the metaphysical concepts via sensory interpretation that can transcend language, culture, and locality. Utilizing: tactility, sight, and sound, we engage the spectators in various levels of participation that responses to their self-contained world view and presence.
This flux exchange allows for an experience based on the self-determined actions of each individual.
History and mythology underlie the foundation of spirituality when the first-hand experiences wither away with the death of the flesh. In time, a person becomes a principle and that abstraction continues to function in reality through various forms. Our works carry the evolving exchange of material and spirit which reflects on the physical and metaphysical level in everyday life.